Bienvenid@ a IdeaSpace


Alta como miembro Visítanos

Launch your ideas today!

Let's get started!

Nuestros servicios

  • Espacio de Trabajo

    Tarifas flexible desde escritorios compartidos hasta tu propia oficina

  • Meeting Rooms

    Disponibilidad de salas a tiempo real. Gestiona tus propias reservas en linea.

  • Red de Miembros

    Contact fácilmente con el resto de la comunidad. Busca perfiles y habilidades o promociona tus servicios.

Escoge tu tarifa

  • Flexi Membership 5 Days



  • Flexi Membership 10 Days



  • Hot Desking



    • Hot Desks are designed for those who need flexible access to workspace, but not necessarily a private office, or even the same desk every day.

      A new seat each day means increased chances for networking and collaboration. Ideal for individuals and freelancers, small teams remote and part time working client meetings with the Hot Desk plan, you get two credits each month to book either workspace or conference rooms. Mail and package handling is also available for an additional fee.

A space to develop your dreams

Comprueba nuestras Tarifas

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